Chapter eighteen. What is silver worth?

The answer seems simple enough. Just look to see what the spot market today says. Right?

My idea is conceptual. We relate everything to dollars today. If you are in Poland, you relate to this in your currency - the Zloty. Much of Europe uses the Euro. Today you would buy silver in whatever currency was used where you live, probably.

But, as shown elsewhere, cash is trash! Dollars or whatever are paper or in a computer using 1s and 0s. But - what do any of these things really matter?

An ounce of silver is the real standard here, not paper money. That ounce of silver is the constant in this equation. How many of those sheets of paper must you have to trade for silver only matters while the faith in that currency exists. After that - all bets are off! Silver will continue to retain value. Silver is an actual store of value in itself. 

Our minds will continue to relate to our currencies for now. That is after all, what the current dealers request in return for their product. But I believe we should be thinking about what an ounce of silver is worth in real terms such as what it will buy. Today, we make two calculations to arrive at this. First we say my silver is worth some dollars. Then we see an item for sale for some dollars and conclude that we can buy that item if we first trade our silver for some dollars, then offer those paper dollars to buy the item. In reality we bought the item for a certain amount of silver didn't we?

As we see the decline of the dollar we will see that we can buy that "some" dollars item with less and less silver. One day a point will be reached when the item may be purchased directly using silver. I think that day is rapidly approaching. Silver itself will become the medium of exchange used by many people, if not most people.

Ask yourself this: Would you take silver in payment for an item TODAY? There are people that would. I would. There are some who are using Bitcoins. That isn't US currency, yet they accept it.

Just some things to think about is all . . .