Chapter forty-nine. The END . . .

This is my last page. Sigh . . . 

I was just asked a very important question. I was asked, "Is it too late for our country and our civilization to survive or make a turn around"?

My answer, in a word, is YES.

It is now too late.

There are many things which convince me of this. The primary one is the economy of the USA and that of the rest of the world

The US dollar is the "Petrodollar" (see: Petrodollar) as well as the world's "reserve currency" (see: Reserve currency). When the US dollar fails, the rest shall follow

The following are some of the things which have convinced me that we cannot recover. Check them out and decide for yourself. But time is of the essence! If you wait a day too long, you will be unable to prepare well enough for you and your family.

Yes, I believe that the economic system world-wide is about to collapse. This is not just MY idea. Many pundits agree with me. Few people in the field of economics consider it even remotely possible for the USA to recover from the enormous debt which we have incurred. Almost all consider it to be just a matter of time 

It is no longer a matter of "IF" but "WHEN?".

Michael Maloney, author of Guide to Investing in Gold & Silver, is widely recognized as a leading expert on monetary history, economics, economic cycles, investing, and precious metals. He is CEO and founder of, one of the world's largest gold and silver bullion dealers, CEO and founder of, an educational website, and host of the most popular video series on the topics of monetary history economics and economic cycles, The Hidden Secrets of Money. Some of you may have read his books and articles or watched his videos. He agrees we are doomed economically. But, bear in mind that he is in the business of selling precious metals, so we need to look to others for their opinions before settling on our own. I have posted this link on another page as well, but here it is again:

Biggest scam in the history of mankind!

Robert T. Kiyosaki, author of Rich Dad Poor Dad - the international runaway bestseller that has held a top spot on the New York Times bestsellers list for over six years - is an investor, entrepreneur and educator whose perspectives on money and investing often fly in the face of conventional wisdom. This renowned author agrees we are in a terrible situation. But, he too stands to gain in the silver industry as he is said to own silver mining operation(s). Mr. Kiyosaki speaks about silver:   Video here:

The Wealth Daily Report:  Read it here

Beyond this just search for, "can the US economy survive"? as I just did to come up with the above links.

There are some cited above who make predictions with dates in them. Please do yourself a favor and ignore that part of their messages! Setting dates is stupid! I really, really believed the world was ending in 1975! Really. So, set your own date if it makes you happy. But regardless as to what date you set - you need to prepare now! Do not wait for later. Start right away once you have concluded that we are headed for a crash. Above all, Decide for yourself! 

I haven't a clue how long this system can survive before the economy fails. I am positive it will fail. But I'll set no dates. 

No system based on fiat currency (Fiat money) has ever survived. Zero. Not one ever. We will not be the only one to ever survive - we will eventually become one of those many failures. 

So, if you plan now; if you start now and the system lasts ten-years more, what have you lost? Nothing! You will have saved up some really nice and very valuable items. In a way, THAT is your "worst case scenario"! 

Today, just like years ago, I was forced to sell off almost everything. I retained two gold coins and a couple commemorative Lincolns. I lost money again but not nearly as much as in the 80s. This time about 13K is all.

My final words, on these topics . . .

Here goes: 

Consult the professionals


Chapter forty-eight. Should we "just" trust in God?

A lot of people seem to believe that as long as they are abiding by their religious beliefs that everything will be fine. They feel there is no need to do anything more than maintain their faith.  Some religions have predicted the end times as many as six different times now! But, we're still here!

From a purely physical standpoint, this is absurd. But what about from a religious standpoint? Does the Bible say just trust in the Lord and forget about taking care of yourself or your family because God will provide for you? If it says that - where is the scripture? 

To find out what is going to happen we need to turn to Matthew chapter 24. All direct quotes in RED:

"Tell us," they said, "when will this happen, and what will be the sign of Your coming and of the end of the age?"

"Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of Me. At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, but he who stands firm to the end will be saved. And this Gospel of The Kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all Nations, and then the end will come."

Those who hang in there will then be saved. Salvation is to come at that time. It is not gained in some spiritual manner before that.

The message, the good news (Gospel) of the coming Kingdom of God will be preached throughout the world before the end.

"So when you see standing in the holy place 'the abomination that causes desolation,' spoken of through the prophet Daniel - let the reader understand - then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains. Let no one on the roof of his house go down to take anything out of the house. Let no one in the field go back to get his cloak. How dreadful it will be in those days for pregnant women and nursing mothers! Pray that your flight will not take place in winter or on the Sabbath. For then there will be great distress, unequaled from the beginning of the world until now - and never to be equaled again. If those days had not been cut short, no one would survive, but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened. At that time if anyone says to you, 'Look, here is the Christ!' or, 'There he is!' do not believe it. For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect - if that were possible. See, I have told you ahead of time."

Continuing we saw:

1. The end is a time to flee and flee ASAP!
2. Pray that this isn't in the winter or on the Sabbath day - which is obviously still in effect at that time!
3. It will be the worst time ever on earth.
4. All of human kind would die except that God intervenes to stop it for the elect - the true Church.
5. Many false teachers, even performing (what appears to be) miracles,  will come out trying to deceive people (even the Church if it were possible). Apparently, it wont be possible.

"Immediately after the distress of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from the sky, and the heavenly bodies will be shaken. At that time the sign of The Son of Man will appear in the sky, and all the nations of the earth will mourn. They will see The Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky, with power and great glory. And He will send His angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather His elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other." 

(Matthew 24:1-31)

So nothing in this description says anything about "not" providing for yourself and family ahead of time with food, seeds, guns or precious metals. In fact, it stresses preparedness.

There are parables describing how some saved wisely and others just put money under a pillow. Which one are you? 

I could go on and on with chapters and verses showing how it is wise to prepare for what we know is about to happen. My challenge here is:

For any of you to show any place where God's word says we need not be prepared ahead of the great and dreadful time which is coming.

It is all well and good to trust in the Eternal God. But, He expects us to be stewards of our lives physically and to be prepared as well as we can.

As for me I shall do what is prudent and obtain enough food and water to get by for a period of time. Guns and ammunition enough to protect myself and my family. Plus, as anyone who knows me, I will be prepared for the total collapse of the monetary system, should that happen. And, I believe it will happen - very soon!

I never set dates.

Chapter forty-seven. Who should they pick for the new paper money?

Does anyone really care?

First off, paper money is actually worth less than a plain sheet of usable paper!
Secondly, Jackson, on the twenty, opposed the central bankers and deserves to be on our paper.

If we must place a female on our paper money, because of some warped  political correctness ideas, then we should  pick Anna Williams

Most of you wont recognize her by her name. The story goes that she posed for the depiction on the Morgan dollar. Whether or not she did doesn't matter. The depiction below would make the perfect one for the ten-dollar bill.

The "KING" of coins!

Another point I should make is the fact that our nation's currencies have had a lot of women depicted. Currently both the silver American Eagle dollar as well as the Gold fifty-dollar (and fractional) coin depict a female.
American Silver Eagle
American Gold Eagle

Lady Liberty has been depicted quite often throughout the years on our coins. Here are a few more examples:

Here's one with a female American Indian.

Oops! That last one isn't really a US coin! Probably should be though . . .

Once upon a time, we had Martha Washington on paper money. Otherwise, nobody.

So, why do YOU believe this change is happening at this time?  Call me crazy, but isn't it strange this is going on as Hillary Clinton is running for President? A stretch perhaps. But, stranger things have happened. The "A female deserves the job" syndrome - as expressed by Chelsea Clinton may be the underlying impetus for this. My opinion is all. Now that she lost - maybe we could start worrying about things which actually matter?

My absolute bottom line is this. I do not believe it matters what sex our paper money depicts. Any effort to choose one over the other deliberately, as they are doing, is in itself sexist!

Chapter forty-six. I lost a ton of money on silver and gold

Yes, you read that right - I lost a ton of money on silver and gold.

In the mid 80s I had money enough from time to time to purchase both gold as well as silver. I had quite a collection going. My focus then was old US gold coins. Not the new coins, but the older circulation coins from America's history, minted prior to 1933. They were the coins people once used to buy every day items. The gold coins which a person would toss onto the bar to buy drinks for example! It was simply our every-day currency. (although the word currency usually implies paper money).

A "double-eagle" was worth twenty US dollars back then. Sounds hard to believe doesn't it? An "eagle" was worth ten-dollars. At my peak of buying I had a couple dozen double-eagles and almost as many eagles, plus some three-dollar coins and a few silver bars! I also had a 1909 S VDB penny - the most sought after US penny ever.

Everything I had was certified by PCGS, and all but one eagle were MS64 or better. That one was XF45. And that was my most valuable coin! Not because it contained more gold (content). Not because it was in the best condition (XF45). But because it was so scarce!
A gold eagle like mine.
My three-dollar coin was just like this one.

Click here for listing of coin grading: What are coin grades?

Besides the grading of a coin other factors come to bear on a coin's value. One of the most important factors is, "how many exist?" In the case of my above mentioned XF45 coin there were just 26 known to exist. This was determined using statistics from the top tier grading services and the information is called "Coin Pop" and is published by them for collectors to use.

So, the number of gold eagles known to exist in the condition of mine (XF45) was just 26! There were nearly none in better condition. I had a really rare coin. I emphasize the word HAD!

One three-dollar gold coin such as the one pictured above in MS64 condition would go for thousands of dollars. There is one on eBay right now for $8,950.00.

So, you can easily see how I lost of over $35,000.00!

Factors that effect coin value: What matters in coin values?

Today, both silver and gold are worth more dollars than when I bought those coins. Gold sold from 300 to $400 then. Today spot price is $1,175.00. If I had been able to hold them, not only would I be able to recover my costs but would have made a tidy sum for profit! The loss was 35K, plus an additional amount even more than that. Possibly over a hundred-thousand dollars total loss!

Keep this in mind today when someone tells you gold and silver are a bad investment because "the price is down". Yes, there have been fluctuations (gold sold for nearly two-thousand dollars an ounce not long ago) but, in the long run, - it has always gone up.

So, my point is this:


The one and only way you can lose is to do what I did in the 80s.
 If, on the other hand, you don't sell off in a low market  you can never lose!

Chapter forty-five. An open letter to those who do not invest in precious metals

I know this is late coming since this is chapter forty-five.

But I need to get into this with those who come here, read, and then make up reasons why they aren't investing in precious metals.

Some of their reasons are: 
  1. I can't afford it right now.
  2. I am not sure what to buy.
  3. I want to get some, but not right now; maybe next _________ .
  4. I don't agree with buying this stuff. No problems are foreseen for the dollar by me. Life goes on...
  5. I am invested in other things right now.
  6. Precious metals are doing poorly now. Maybe later.
  7. The government can just take your silver and gold by Executive order like Roosevelt (D) did in 1933.
OK. Answers by the numbers:

To begin with, I have pretty much answered all of these remarks in several other places in the first 44 chapters. But, to simplify it, I'll do my best, one at a time right here, to save the reader from exposure to all the rest of my great ideas! 
  1. You say you can't afford it right now. Maybe you're right. But just what are you planning to do if I am right? What is your plan if the dollar crashes? I have stressed buying silver because frankly, gold is too expensive for many people right now. But, there are silver bars selling for as little as six-dollars! Again, maybe you can't afford to invest even six-dollars right now. That is a genuine valid reason and I can't do anything to change that. If, on the other hand, this is just an excuse to avoid investing, with some other underlying reason - shame on you. Just don't come complaining to me when my predictions happen.
  2. Not sure what to buy? Precious metal!  There are many ways to buy silver/gold and I list a few here: if-you-are-going-to-buy-silver-what?
  3. Not right now? If not now, when? If you wait one-day too long you miss out. Silver and gold are both currently a bargain and can never go to zero in value. Never. There are other things in which to invest as well. If you are doing, or have done that already, then it is time NOW to start. If you fill in the blank above, what happens if, just before that, the system crashes? The choice is totally yours to buy or not, and when to start. I believe the time to start is right NOW! Remember, I sell nothing and I shill for nobody. This is just my opinion and my disclaimer on every page is quite clear. But, with that said, I personally believe any delay will cost you in the long run.
  4. You don't agree with buying this stuff. If you think precious metals are bad to buy then stay away. I believe you are wrong. I believe that no matter what happens in the future, having a store of them is a wise choice. But, that's just my opinion.
  5. You invest elsewhere. If you invest, you should have a balanced portfolio. More here: investing-in-silver-first
  6. Precious metals are doing poorly? The dollar is what changes in value against metals. The metals are a constant. Two silver dimes buy a gallon of gasoline today just as they did in the 50s and before. Go here: silver-is-dropping-like-lead-balloon
    Sign should read: "...PRE 1965...". 1964 coins were still silver.
  8. Government can take it! Yes, Franklin Roosevelt (D) did issue Executive order No. 6102 on  April 5, 1933. He did, in fact, call for the government to confiscate privately owned gold. That much is true. However, it is known that many people didn't turn their gold in at that time. Today, it would be even more problematic and governments would be unlikely to send the police door to door to confiscate the tiny amounts of gold coins and bars held by its citizens. And when Roosevelt, (D) did that, the US Treasury paid in full, at the official price (which was also the market price). To assess the likelihood of confiscation today, we need to look at what the government could gain by calling in privately held gold. My view is that the Federal government has little to gain by calling in gold today and that therefore the likelihood of confiscation is remote. Because the size and cost of the federal government has expanded so much since the 1930’s, and because the quantities of gold currently held by Americans are too small to fund the huge federal budget for more than a few weeks, the government has little to gain by confiscation today. Besides, doing so would send the dollar tumbling toward worthlessness, which would be a disaster when so many dollar-denominated bonds are held as central bank reserves by creditor nations like China. So, while confiscation is "possible", I consider it to be very remote.
Silver was never confiscated! Even Roosevelt (D) never went after our silver. There is little to be gained for the government by owning silver. So, I consider silver investments safe from hyper-inflation as well as safe from confiscation by our ever expanding government. 

I bought silver as low as $2.00 an ounce. Some of my 90% coins were simply given to me in change at face value as well. I also have "invested" for as much as $34.00 an ounce. Keep in mind that it is impossible to lose on silver - unless you sell low! It is always there and always retains its intrinsic value - unlike fiat paper money.